Książ Underground
Tunnels built during World War II by the german army ad a part of Riesie project that suppoused to be one of Hitler’s headquaters. Guided tour which takes 45 minutes, including 5 media presentations. We recomend to choose option with a castle Książ to get the full picture of a history.
Książ Underground
ul. Piastów Śląskich 1, Wałbrzych
tel. 74 66 43 872, 74 66 43 834
N 50°50’31,65”
E 16°17’29,68”
High season (April – October):
open between 9.00 and 18.00.
Low season (November – March):
open between 10.00 and 16.00.
- normal: 39 PLN
- reduced 34 PLN
Group visit must be booked earlier.
Route of the Mysterious Lower Silesia`s Undergrounds